Saturday, April 24, 2010

Sorry for not updating......

So Since I have not updated any info on Ms. Charlee, I thought that in honor of her 11month birthday in 2 days I would post some of my favorite pics from Easter and this Spring!
Charlee is crawling at 90 miles an hour now and is walking around furniture but not alone yet! She has a new tooth so that makes 7 and one that is almost through (which would explain the sleepless nights). Let's see what else, she is big in the imitating language stage right now and cries almost everytime mommy leaves the room (which is breaking my heart)
Ok enough with the chit chat - here are some pics of my beautiful baby love!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Love, Love, Love........

In honor of Valentines Day a few days late I thought I would post some of my favorite things about our little 8 & 1/2 month old blessing......
1. How she giggles at almost everything I do....I love being the funny one for a change!
2. The way she whispers, "Hey, Da.." when Marcus comes home (melts my heart every time).
3. How she is starting to crawl on all 4s and ditch her precious army crawl.
4. The way she wiggles her nose when she talks and smiles!
5. How much she LOVES Sheep! When she seems him or he enters a room she is completely captivated by his every move and will literally chase him around the room!
6. The way she SNUGGLES with us! She loves to get in the bed with us and make sure that one arm is touching Marcus and one arm or leg is touching me! SO SWEET!

It was hard for me to narrow it down, so I have to stop myself at the TOP 6 things..Here are some pics to enjoy for the week!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Snow Snow Snow.....

Well we woke up this morning to a couple more inches of snow! I can't believe it! I don't ever remember it snowing this much in one Winter! Too bad Charlee is too young to enjoy it! Here are some pics from the snow last weekend!

Here is a little Charlee update for you! Since I have become a SAHM she has decided that she does not ever want to be away from me! I have thoroughly enjoyed the past few weeks with her and I am soooo happy that I get to spend more time with her. She is pulling up on everything now and is starting to move to a faster crawl by getting up off of her belly! Now when she is in her crib she will pull up to standing and just talk away......dada, baba, da, da da......She seems so proud of herself!

Another funny note is that she has learned what No means. Since she is a moving baby, EVERYTHING goes in her mouth! I will tell her NO and sometimes she will scream to let me know she is mad about the scolding and then other times she will stop what she is doing long enough to look at me again to try again and stick the object (paper, shoe, magazine, box) in her mouth. I think we have officially hit the "I'm going to test you mom to see what I can get away with" stage. It is kinda funny but I try not to laugh because I don't want to encourage it!

This past week she went for her third round of shots! YIKES! She did really well and the doctor was very impressed with our modified vaccination schedule. I am glad we chose to space things out a bit, even though she goes more often I know that this is better for her little body! She weighs 22.10 and is 28 inches tall! I can't believe how big she is! :)
A little food note....I am LOVING making her own baby food! We have now moved into the meat category and she LOVES chicken! Also, one of her favorite foods right now is CHEESE, the child would let me grate an entire pack of Colby or Monterrey jack and still act hungry! I am going to try this week experimenting with some recipes I found on They have Turkey teething sticks and cheese sticks that are recommended for this age. I think the reason why I enjoy making the food so much is because I know exactly what she is eating and that it is healthy for her!
Well everyone enjoy their cold Valentine's day! I know we will! It's a family weekend! YAH!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

So much to update......

So I haven't posted in about 2 months and man how things are changing in the Kiser household! Charlee is completely mobile and we are rearranging the furniture to baby proof everything! Over the next few days I will fill you in on how our 8 month old darling is changing but for now enjoy some pictures! These are just a few, I promise with updates you will get more!

On the Beach for Thanksgiving!

My first snow in December!!

Christmas time!

Happy With Sheep!

Photo-shoot with Mommy!

Snow Day in January!