Saturday, May 23, 2009

Just a few more days.............

So I woke up this morning realizing it will be the last Saturday EVER that we will wake up on our own without a baby! Thinking this of course, I took the time to sleep in a little bit! :) I am still hoping that she will decide to come this weekend but we will see.....
I was looking through my book from the baby shower to see when everyone guessed that she would be born. There is only 1 guess left that is even close and it is my Aunt Donna's, she put May 28th! Which seemed crazy to me but now she is going to be born on May 27th so she will be the winner. May 28th is my Grandma Moretz' birthday so it would be special if she was born that day, since she is no longer with us to celebrate Charlee's arrival. Most people also guessed that she would be around 8 pounds and now that she is overdue, I have to agree!

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