Friday, September 11, 2009

Time is flying by..........

Charlee is getting so big and I wanted to share a couple pics with you guys. She will be Christened this weekend and I can't wait! She is almost four months and changing everyday. She sleeps from 8:30-6:30 or 7 every night and most of the time won't wake up to eat. However, some nights she is up at 3 or 4 for about 10 minutes. I will have to say she is an AWESOME sleeper but I am not! I am constantly waking up to make sure she is breathing and I wake up each time she moves in her co-sleeper. That's right she is still in our room! But she is in a co-sleeper next to the bed. Hopefully, we will be brave enough to move her to her crib by the end of the month, but we will see. Each day I see her learn new things and I am amazed at how quickly she is growing. Her favorite thing to do right now is "talk" She will grunt and sing and try to mimic every sound that we make. She is beginning to teethe so she has tons of drool and LOVES to blow bubbles with her spit! Well time for bed......Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy!

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