Sunday, October 25, 2009

5 months.....

Where does the time go, seriously it still feels like she was just born yesterday. However, she is rolling, laughing, cooing and sitting up now! I can't believe how big she is and how much she changes each day. I love watching her new achievements each day and I am so sad to leave her each morning for work. I have nothing to worry about when I am gone because between my mom, Marcus' mom, momma Lisa and Aunt Haley she is spoiled rotten! I couldn't ask for a better situation since I have to go to work.
With Halloween right around the corner and fall seeming to be in full force now, we headed to the pumpkin patch and took some pics of our sweet girl. I mean really sweet girl!!

We have started eating cereal - rice and oatmeal on a regular basis. She really didn't like the rice cereal as much as the oatmeal. So tonight we decided to try bananas and she hated them!! We will have to post the video because she shivered and gagged like they were horrible! :) I think we will try them a couple more times before we X them out!

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