Saturday, January 10, 2009

Baby Laney On the Way....

So I've decided that it would be a good idea to start documenting our pregnancy, so we can remember all the crazy changes we went through while we were pregnant with our first child!!! I am now 23 weeks and feeling really pregnant!

We found out on December 22nd that we are having a little girl!!!! WOW! We are thinking that her name is going to be Laney Anne Gray Kiser! We are beginning all of the planning for the nursery and what to register for!

Anyways I will begin posting video and pics soon to keep you updated!

1 comment:

  1. Our Little Girl is having a little girl - Hard to believe! We know Marcus and AZ will be wonderful parents and we can't wait to be Grandparents - GG & P-Pa! Of course, we know Charlee will create her own names for us when she begins to speak but until then.......
    All our love,
    Mom & Dad Miller
