Sunday, January 25, 2009

Name change.............

Ok, it's official her name is going to be:

Charlee Anne Gray Kiser

Charlee - is for Marcus' grandfathers and Lee is Marcus' and his Dad's middle name

Anne - is for Marcus' Mom and stepmom

Gray - is for Aislynn's grandmother

So, I am now 25 weeks!! Only 15 weeks left............REALITY CHECK! She is really starting to kick harder now and loves to stay up and "dance" all night! So many people have asked if I am craving anything and really I can't think of what I am NOT craving!! :) I am now hungry all the time!!

Here are some pics from her 19 week ultrasound!

The first two pics show that she is a girl! We totally were not expecting it when the ultrasound tech told us what we were having! She didn't give us any warning and just said that we were having a girl!!

The 3rd pic is the "Halloween" face picture, she wasn't very active that day but she did poke her face and fist up at the sensor!

This pic shows her heartbeat at 145 bpm, nice and strong!

Here is her little profile can count all her little fingers and see her ear!!

The pics below show her little legs and feet!! I think these are sooo cute!! It looks like she has really long legs! At this ultrasound she was about 8 1/2 inches long and weighed about a pound!

This past week, January 21st, I went back to the doctor and they measured me and listened to her heartbeat! It was about 140 bpm and now she is almost 12 inches long and about 1 1/2 pounds! Everything is very healthy and she is growing perfectly!

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