Wednesday, July 8, 2009

6 weeks old!

Ok so I haven't been keeping everyone updated on our life with the little one, but things have been really busy as you can imagine!
So this week Charlee is 6 weeks old, time has truly flown by and she is getting sooo big. At her 5 week visit she weighed 11 pounds and 4 ounces. So I know she is growing like a weed.
Here are my top five favorite things about Charlee right now (Sooo hard to narrow it to 5):
1. How she smiles when she sees me or Marcus and even laughs out loud some.
2. Her sweet little yawns
3. The way she stretches like a little thumbilina
4. How she loves to snuggle
5. The way she looks @ our eyes and will follow us across the room!

Here are a couple of my favorite pics right now:

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