Saturday, July 11, 2009

Sweet Dreams.........

Well it is hard to believe but Charlee has slept through the night 3 times now!!
Last night she slept from 12-7! :) She is starting to really get a morning routine, she seems to love to sleep in after she eats at 7 till 9 or 10 and then she will stay awake until her afternoon nap around 2! I am quite amazed at how she is growing, she seems to change everyday. We are starting to see her mimic our sounds, for example she loves to play this game with Marcus. He will make a noise and then she will Coo in response. She is sooo vocal! I love it. It also makes me so happy to see the bond between the two of them. It is soo sweet the way she will look at him and smile and you can see that Marcus is totally wrapped around her finger.

I also have discovered that I worry almost every minute of the day that she is healthy and ok. I guess that this is the life of a mother. Charlee has really bad reflux and is spitting up quite often so the doctor has put her on Zantac. ALthough I really hate giving her medicine I am hoping that this will help and relieve her discomfort. We may end up trying formula, even though I wanted to continue breast feeding her for a year. I am hoping that the Zantac will help in the meantime and she will grow out of this soon! It really worries me. However, I am grateful that she is healthy and growing fast!
On that note, I have some news that I am not so happy to write about...... Some of our friends, the McRae's, just found out that their five year old daughter Kate has a malignant brain tumor. They are working out a treatment plan now but this news is devastating. They have set up a website that keeps all of the updates posted and I have been truly amazed at the amount of intercession that the Lord is doing for this little girl and family. Literally thousands of people are praying for them and speaking to our savior. Just the amount of prayer occuring is a miracle and I am sure a relief for Aaron and Holly. With this news, being a mother myself now, my heart breaks for them and I can't imagine ever going through something so devastating. Each day I look at Charlee and say a prayer for her health. I have faith though that she is a healthy little girl and that God is working a miracle for Kate and soon we can say that she is healthy again also!

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