Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Lazy Pool Days......

Today Charlee and I went to the pool with one of my good friends Melissa and her little boy Camden. He is soo cute and loves his mommy with all his heart! Charlee slept in her stroller for most of the time but I couldn't help wondering what next summer is going to be like. Watching the little kids run around and Camden jumping in the water, made me realize that our precious little one will not be so "little" forever! I feel like I need to take each moment in with her that I can because my maternity leave is going to be over soon and these lazy pool days will be long behind us. When Charlee was awake today, she seemed in awe of Camden, she would smile and coo at him so sweetly. I think children have a special connection and she instantly took to him.
Well time to feed her again.........here is another pic for you to enjoy!

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