Thursday, February 26, 2009

Belly Moves.....

Charlee is really growing now!! My belly is getting huge and I can now not only feel her move but I can see it too! :) I think she is really into music, which I hope she is talented like Marcus because every time that we turn on the radio or he plays the guitar she starts to go crazy! I was only feeling her below my bellybutton but now I can see my stomach move right below my ribs. Usually when she kicks me it is several times in a row. Yesterday I felt her have "hiccups" for the first time.....she would quiver every 3-4 seconds for about a minute! She is beginning to respond more to our voices too....last night Marcus said "Charlee" and put his hand on my stomach and she kicked hard 2 times.
We are getting soo excited, I can't believe how close we are to her arrival!!

1 comment:

  1. Hey...
    WOW so I somehow landed on your blog via someone else's blog.

    So excited for you guys...looks like an overdue congrats is in order! I had no idea! Little girls are THE BEST...but I'm a little partial.
