Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Hyper but Tired! :)

So the past couple days have been crazy as far as how I feel! I will be really hyper and feel super motivated and then ready to crash! I have really started "nesting," it seems as though nothing can be organized enough! I am constantly thinking about what I want to clean and organize.....it's kinda irritating because I don't have the energy to do everything that I want! I constantly want to clean out cabinets and closets and fold clothes...........so WEIRD!!!

Marcus is doing well coping with all of my complaining about what we need to do to the house and he has been a huge help to me with the cleaning!! :) I am soo grateful to have him by my side, he is such a huge support for me! It is funny because even when I am Moody Mama to the core he will find a way to make me laugh, usually at myself for being soo stressed!

I will have to say that the biggest change I am going through right now besides my ever increasing belly is SLEEPING! It has been quite a challenge figuring out how to get comfortable on my side and stay there all night long! I find myself waking up on my back in a panic and in pain needing to roll over.
So we bought this great body pillow that has helped tremendously!! See the picture to the right! It is by Boppy and doesn't take up too much room at night.....however, with this and the pillow I put behind me I am about to push Marcus right out of the bed! :) I feel bad because I know I am taking up 80% of the bed and he probably feels like he can't move! He has been super patient with me though and all of my tossing and turning, I guess he isn't suffering too much though because every time I wake up (almost each hour) he is out cold! Even though I am struggling to sleep I will have to say that this is my favorite time of the day because Charlee almost immediately starts to kick and move when I lay down and it makes me soo happy to feel her going crazy!


  1. Hi!! I actually drug my mom to register with me b/c I had no clue what to get. Plus, my husband wanted to register at Dick's Sporting Goods. Haha! But it was fun playing with everything. I keep saying how I'm enjoying baby stuff way more than wedding stuff.

    I feel your pain with the kicking at night. I never thought they'd be able to kick so hard. But they can. My little guy kicks pretty much all day but it really starts the minute I lay down. I hope its not a sign of how he'll be once he's here! Haha.

    Good luck with everything. Ya'll are going to be such cool parents!

  2. That was from me. Kristy L. By the way. For some reason it has my husbands name. I swear pregnancy has made me dumber.
