Thursday, September 17, 2009

Growing up....

So this little stinker is getting sooooo big and her mommy is getting old!! I turned 27 this week on the 14th and for some reason this birthday is killing me! We had many birthday celebrations, as we Baptized Charlee this weekend and my grandparents came in from Charleston. It was amazing to see how many Great-Grandparents Charlee has and what a loving family we have. The day was awesome but Charlee was definitely out of her routine and spit up all over the alter. Once our pastor took her she smiled and looked at everyone in the congregation. It was a day we will never forget!
Her personality was certainly showing that day and is growing soo quickly!
She is starting to have so many different facial expressions. She will be shy and smile and bury her head in my chest when someone speaks to her or will get excited and squeal when she sees her daddy!We have been doing tons of "tummy time" lately and she seems like she wants to crawl, I am excited but at the same time I am nervous about her being mobile. We are going to have to really work at child-proofing our house!

1 comment:

  1. She is so precious! Miss you guys! I am glad you put up some new pics this is how I keep up with her! Grace said AWWWWWWWW when she saw the pics!
